Sisters (4)

This is a posting aimed specifically at everyone who’s ever wondered whether I reserve my greatest hatred for our lying, power-serving, utterly amoral media or for our lying, power-serving, utterly amoral police force.

Two massively resourced, savagely destructive, shockingly unaccountable power blocs that are a stain on our society: which do I loathe and despise with the greatest intensity? Don’t tell me the question has never crossed your mind…

Well, as you are about to discover, I hate them both equally.

What is more, you are about to gain a bit of insight into the reasons why this is so…

To start us off, here is the top and the bottom of an item put out yesterday in a Reuters online release:


The reason I show only the top and the bottom is that, in the original, there is something in the middle that I am keeping in reserve for now.

You’ll see it in a minute, of course; what you have to do in the meantime is use your skill and judgement to try and imagine what the missing picture — yes, the middle bit is a photo — is likely to show…

ImageI’ll wait while you try and visualise a few scenes that could reasonably be fitted to a description containing the words “Police detain a demonstrator…”

You know the sort of thing. Plod twisting a guy’s arm behind his back as he shoves him along the street. Two Plods holding a guy by his arms as they push him towards a police van. Three Plods dragging a guy along the ground by his arms and legs. Stuff like that.

Have you thought of a few of your own? You have…?

Well, congratulations. You couldn’t have been more wrong…

Ya wanna see the picture.

The actual photo?

You do…?

Okay then…

[[Original link has been taken down; photo replaced from another source:]]


You didn’t stand a chance of getting it right, really, did you? I mean, “detain” just isn’t a word that conjures up the kind of image to which it is here attached.

Maybe you’d have done better if the human scum at Reuters had described the human scum in the photo using a slightly different form of words. You know: something that actually corresponded with reality to some meaningful degree…


Normal country.

Totally normal.


Normal government.

Normal, I say.

Perfectly normal.



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2 thoughts on “Sisters (4)

  1. This is the most shocking thing I’ve seen in a very long time. How can these police get away with this? Maybe that’s a naive question.

    You probably don’t agree but not all police are scum. My son is a police officer, in Yorkshire, and he is a kind, caring person. He would never do what was done to this woman. You may not believe me.

    The woman stripped and dragged away makes me want to weep.


  2. Mark we are screwed. As much as you and I abhor such action my social media is full of nominally sane people saying she should have done what she was told. I’m going to keep carrying the torch but we are in for some dark days ahead.


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